Why Sharing Your Grief Story Makes a Difference

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Why Sharing Your Grief Story Makes a Difference

Have you ever heard someone sharing their story and all of a sudden you make a connection? “Hey, that happened to me too.?” There is a relief, a real sigh as your body relaxes because you ‘got’ what they were saying. Their story was your story.

In the Grief Relief Workshop, people tell their stories and make a difference in the lives of other grieving people. You may not be aware, but as you grieve, you become a teacher to others.

When we gather together to intentionally mourn in a safe space, the power of the place and the group accelerates both the grieving and the relieving. A woman came last month and began crying the moment I opened the door and gave her a welcoming hug. Mid-way through the workshop as she emptied her first box of tissues she said” I have been crying since I walked in here. I haven’t cried this much in months and it really feels good.” She left with the intention to have a life of comfort after hearing the comforting self-care strategies shared by all of us in the group. Self-care IS the foundation for moving through and beyond your grief.

She sent a card just two weeks later which read” Thank you so much for all your help during the workshop. I learned so much. Your words pop into my head at times which is so helpful. I feel much better.”

You DO make a difference when you let yourself grieve in the safety of a group. ‘Where two or more are gathered’ recognizing where grief lives in the body, listening to it and releasing it happens so much faster.

As the holidays begin to approach with Day of the Dead on November 1st, give yourself the gift of the Grief Relief Workshop. Less than two hours on Tuesday, October 29th, I invite you to come share your story, release your embodied grief, make a difference in the life of someone else and leave feeling much better. Go to http://www.beyondyourgrief.com and click on EVENTS. Then give me a call. This month it is limited to eight people. Let the trauma out and the lightness in. Register today.



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